4. 1st January 1871. Mr. Graham was attacked by a saltwater crocodile Alligator Creek, Qld. Non-fatal LMC 07/12/2018 Uncategorized 18713. 1st January 1871. Mr. Graham was attacked by a saltwater crocodile Alligator Creek, Qld. Non-fatalMr. Graham was attacked while crossing a river on horseback. The attack occurred near St. Helen’s cattle station.SOURCE: CrocBite 100-5033 “Mr Graham attacked” Tags: ALLIGATORS, ATTACK, CROCODILE, crocodylus porosus, FATAL, HORSEBACK, NONFATAL, northern territory, queensland, RIVER, SALTWATER, SALTWATER CROCODILE Continue Reading Previous Post2. 1st June 1869. A Kanaka (worker) attacked at the Norman River Qld. FATALNext Post5. 16th May 1862. Trooper William Davis was attacked by a saltwater crocodile Darwin Harbour. FATAL. You Might Also Like Crocodile attacks and incidents. 05/02/2019 Crocodile attack waiting to happen. 19/02/2021 Crocodiles, fish, and dynamite Darwin N.T. 13/12/2018