1. 5th June 1865. James Hume attacked by crocodile Lower Burdekin River LMC 02/12/2018 Uncategorized 1. 5th June 1865. James Hume was attacked by a saltwater crocodile Lower Burdekin River near the bluff Qld. Non-fatal.A young man was attacked while bathing.SOURCE: CrocBite 100-7058 You Might Also Like Crocodile attacks N.T. Victims incredibly savaged or Killed. 19/03/2021 4. 1st January 1871. Mr. Graham was attacked by a saltwater crocodile Alligator Creek, Qld. Non-fatal 07/12/2018 Crocodile attacks and incidents. 05/02/2019
4. 1st January 1871. Mr. Graham was attacked by a saltwater crocodile Alligator Creek, Qld. Non-fatal 07/12/2018