Northern Territory – a wilderness where I did my high school years. The Northern Territory was a wild place of seas and reefs, of bays and beaches, of creeks, rivers, swamps, and wild animals.
My book is about the Northern Territory but in reality focuses on one man, one crocodile, and the Sixth Season of the Gagadu. The sixth season is called Gudjewg.
Gudjewg is the wet part of the wet season. In the Top End of the Northern Territory, heat, humidity, and rain combine to change the landscape, creating an explosion of plant and animal life. It is a time of re-birth and renewal.
This is a time when crocodiles hatch their eggs.
The novel features an epic battle between one man and one giant saltwater crocodile, a battle that takes its toll over many years. Set in the Last Frontier of the Northern Territory, Australia, this is a tough novel about men, animals, birds, insects, swamps, jungles, and a climate that is intense and powerful.
Not to be missed.