Viet Vet. I find it very interesting to catch up with guys who joined the services in Darwin. Especially those who are Vietnam Veterans.
Introducing Garry Casey
Garry was living in Darwin but as he was born in Brisbane he had to enlist in his home state. His Army Number is 1735297, with the “1” at the beginning denoting Qld.
I didn’t connect to Garry in Darwin because his family left for New Guinea not long after I arrived in Darwin. The Casey family came to Darwin in 1959. Gary’s father was with the Weather Bureau.
In mid 1963 the family went to New Guinea (Rabaul) up until the end of 1966.
During that time Garry went to boarding school at Toowoomba – Downlands College. He participated in the College Cadet Unit escort for the funeral for Frank TOPP K.I.A. Long Tan.
Garry went back to Darwin at the beginning of 1968.
By that time I had been in the army for a year. Garry was with the Commonwealth Bank when he volunteered for NS – went in January 1969. I had served for two years by then. I was starting to think about getting out.
Garry wonders how many of us from the NT enlisted during the Vietnam War? I know a few but I cannot say how many there were. Those who I can say positively fit the bill are listed in Missing Military.
Garry initially got posted to 2 Cav then served with A & B Sqn’s 3 Cav Regt.
After the war Garry joined the NT Police and served with a number of veterans.
Certificate of Service – Aust Army – CMF 1975.pdf
Nominal Rolls Certificate – Vietnam War Service – Garry Casey.pdf

Incidentally, Garry believes that he may be the only Armoured Corps member who did not go to Puckapunyal.
He did his Recruit Training at Singleton, then Infantry training as an Assault Trooper, hence the posting to 2 Cav. He was only there 9 weeks or so and then went to 3 Cav.
He did all his Driver/Crew Commander training at Holsworthy.
Garry is a Viet Vet and a Police Vet. Interesting life.
Terrific to catch up with Garry.